Wednesday 5 November 2014


Currently in DESPERATE need of some motivation to get me through the daily 3 hour slogging sessions under the void deck. I penat until cannot penat already, and I need a list of things to look forward to please.

Things that I get to look forward to after the shitty exams:

1) BATAM TRIP!!!!!!!!!

2) No more using my brain until want to pecah

3) 100% FREEDOM - no classes, no study seshes, no constant worrying about exams

4) Kita Suka Design rebranding into Bijou, including a new website, a new logo, a new everything and new stuff

5) Resuming of rock-climbing with the boss!

6) Speaking of rock-climbing, LEVEL 1 certification!

7) Possible collab with a customer aka new friend hehe

8) Being alottttt closer to receiving my degree than I was the day before exams end

9) Going out on dates with the fiance and being able to truly melawa and enjoy myself

In the midst of panicking over my upcoming paper on Monday (which I'd failed TWICE before this), I suddenly felt hopeless. My mind was asking me why the hell I was still bothering to study when I'd already failed it twice and there's no guarantee that I'd pass this time round. I could hear my brain telling me I might as well just give up now. This is all SETAN I tell you

But I refuse ok I REFUSE to admit defeat. With hard work, determination and alot alotttt of prayers, insyaAllah comes rewards. If not now, rewards will come later in many forms. So right now I just need to be strong and stop listening to all the setan2 telling me I should give up on my dreams. SETAN KAU DIAM K

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