Monday, 19 January 2015


Kelakar tau bila people start to get offended that you didn't invite them to your engagement. Hahaha.

Engagement tau guys, belom wedding lagi.

I feel bad that I don't feel bad leh. LOL. I guess I've gone past the point where I actually give a damn about the opinions of people whom I deem insignificant.

My family and I meet this person like what.. once a year? We are not even related by blood. So why does this person feel that he/she is entitled to an invitation eh? If it were a wedding, sure I'd most definitely have invited him/her, but dude, it's just an engagement. Buat kat rumah jer. Takde la khemah-khemah or kerusi meja pat bawah block. Mak andam pon is my own friend, not like it's anyone like Nora Zee or what. I had to keep to 100 guests which includes my family members like my aunties and uncles; that's already half of the guest list already.

Aiyah.. I guess all I'm trying to say is... CHILL LA SIA. Nanti kite kahwin, aku invite la hahahaha

People are so funny tau. Invite banyak org, people will talk like "kenapa banyak sgt invite orang? nak tunjuk-tunjuk ke?" Invite siket org, "eh kenape tak invite so and so? sedih seh! u tak mampu ke?"

Ehwah ehwahhhh mulot nye. kena belacan baru tau!

LOL. To each his own la kan.

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