Thursday 13 November 2014

Wrap botol, nyah

DIY is always interesting and fun to do because you never know what you can get with the various materials you have on hand - and I'm the sort of person that needs that kinda unpredictability in my life, you know? Hahaha

So there we were. At Darfina's house, and we were supposed to decorate those bottles / tupperware with the tutop merah. Ala you know the ones they use to isi kuih tart or kuih makmur or any other raya cookies.

Like this

And we. were. CLUELESS.

We had no idea what to do!

The idea that I had, involved some burlap material, but all we had on hand was this:

So we fiddled around with the paper, covering the red lid with it and trying out the white string. And then we came up with this!

Very the rustic vintage horrrr

Very easy, and yet VERY effective in covering up the tak-senonoh-creases resulting from our tak-senonoh-wrapping of the paper.

And all we had to do was:

1. Cut the paper into squares (big enough to cover the top of the red lid at least).

2. Paste the paper onto the red lid (double-sided tape).

3. Wrap the white string around the sides (like in the picture) from bottom to top, or top to bottom (using multi-purpose white glue).

4. Cut short pieces of the same string and tie them into little bows (again, like in the picture).

5. Paste the little bows onto the sides of the containers (using hot glue from glue gun).

We took about 3 hours to doll up 20 lids between the 2 of us. Not exactly fast, but that's just because we took some time to brainstorm and prep, AND because the white string can be a real B****. Pardon my French. 

I think the little bows really added just that little bit of classiness to spruce up the look. We used multi-purpose white glue for the wrapping of the white string around the lids, and it's a good thing we did because who the heck wants to get scalded by HOT GLUE while trying to hold the string in place?

NOT happening, ok?

The finished product:

Very, very simple, nyah. I like!

I just love the feeling you get when you look at your finished product and can feel satisfied after all the hard work you put in. This is one of the things I wouldn't mind doing until my back aches from hunching over too much, or my bontot being sore from sitting long hours on the floor. I'd seriously prefer to do this and nothing else.

So today was definitely a much needed break, doing something I love for a change! It's been a hard week of studying and hardly anything else until I want to cry and tear my hair out. Even my body's failing me now, giving me a slight fever and a horrendous flu. 

Next week, 2 more papers. Ya Allah, please give me the strength. I simply cannot wait for school to be over and done with, because I am seriously SPENT. Studying part time and working full time has worn me out to the extent that I no longer enjoy any part of it now. Last 2 semesters (this semester and next), and I will get my degree. InsyaAllah. After that, NO MORE studying k? Lol.

1 comment:

  1. My mum loves your finished product! You might want to claim ownership cause she's going to steal your ideas. Lols. Just kidding. Smile. You're almost there. Keep it up! See you tmr.

